MBARI researchers Bruce Robison and Kim Reisenbichler used video taken by unmanned, undersea robots called remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to study barreleye fish in the deep waters just offshore of Central California. At depths of 600 to 800 meters (2,000 to 2,600 feet) below the surface, the ROV cameras typically showed these fish hanging motionless in the water, their eyes glowing a vivid green in the ROV's bright lights. The ROV video also revealed a previously undescribed feature of these fish--its eyes are surrounded by a transparent, fluid-filled shield that covers the top of the fish's head. This video is narrated by senior scientist Bruce Robison. For more on this story, see the news page on MBARIs web site at . ~☼~ Filmée par deux chercheurs du Monterey bay aquarium research institute (Mbari), Bruce Robison et Kim Reisenbichler, cette vidéo nous montre Macropinna microstoma, un poisson des grands fonds adapté de façon surprenante à son environnement. Son crâne, transparent, lui permet en effet d'observer proies et prédateurs évoluant au-dessus de lui, en regardant à travers son propre crâne (texte tiré du site