17 April 2010

Chinese Cargo Ship Leaves Extensive Scar On Great Barrier Reef

By Gina Gomez April 17, (THAINDIAN NEWS) The Chinese cargo ship that was grounded at the Great Barrier Reef earlier this month is said to have caused major damage to the reef. Australian authorities who have been investigating the case have reported that the stranded ship has had an extremely detrimental effect on the Great Barrier Reef and the corals found in the vicinity. ~☼~ Un navire chinois s'est échoué sur la grande barrière de corail australienne. Le pétrole qui s'écoule de sa cale pourrait abîmer le plus grand récif de coraux au monde, classé patrimoine mondial.  Les autorités australiennes ont déclaré, dimanche, que le navire chinois transportait du charbon et répandait du mazout sur la grande barrière de corail, au nord-est du Queensland (suite, Radio-Canada).